Davidoff Refine White
Davidoff is a global brand whose products have become a symbol of luxury, sophistication and excellent quality. Deep respect for tradition along with the latest technologies is the main secret of the brand's success. Among tobacco fans, Davidoff cigarettes are particularly popular, the types of which allow you to satisfy the most demanding taste.
The Davidoff brand has been producing its high-quality cigars for more than 100 years. Among many serious brands, Davidoff cigars have no competitors in terms of flavor and quality. Today, among the Dominican tobacco products, the best-selling brand is “Davidoff". Some tobacco products only have an attractive appearance. Many companies had a pretentious philosophy when they were created and continue it in their activities. This policy is a special tool for promoting your brand in the market. Only the brand of cigars “Davidoff " is very different in its development policy.
Davidoff is a brand of cigarettes preferred by smokers from affluent segments of the population, since their cost is quite high. Cigarettes are made from high-quality tobacco, standing on the same level as Springwater and Dimo.
Davidoff is always on the top edge of modern technologies. With the most precise mini compact size format, Davidoff is meeting requirements of modern smoker with Refine Format. Davidoff Refine White cigarettes contain as little 2 milligrams of tar along with only 0.2 milligrams of nicotine which makes this Davidoff cigs lightest within the entire range.